The Key To High-Volume Web Sales
The quickest way to achieve high-volume sales
on the web is to set up your own affiliate program.
There are two ways to set up an affiliate program: you
can install affiliate tracking software on your server
or you can use a 3rd party affiliate tracker.
Here is a list of sites that offer affiliate tracking software:
For most people, a much easier option is to use 3rd
party (or web-based) affiliate tracking.
There are literally dozens of web-based affiliate management
services. Some have setup fees, some have monthly fees and
others charge monthly commissions on your sales.
Here is a list of 3rd party affiliate trackers:
One of the most popular 3rd party affiliate trackers
is ClickBank (
Compared to some other affiliate programs, ClickBank's
system is quite basic - for example they only offer one-tier
affiliate tracking and they don't provide click-thru stats.
But the one big advantage of ClickBank is they are
widely used (by over 10,000 merchants) and trusted -
and that means your customers will feel safer when
ordering your products.
Here are some of the features of the ClickBank
affiliate program:
=> one time setup fee of $49
=> no monthly fees
=> 7.5% commission on your sales
=> automatic email (to you and your affiliates) every
time you make a sale
=> ClickBank issues checks to your affiliates
=> checks issued every 2 weeks
=> low minimum ($5) before a check is issued
One drawback to using ClickBank is that the links
your affiliates post on their websites won't contain
your domain name - so they won't increase your
link popularity.
But there is a way around this - a script specifically
designed for ClickBank merchants that generates URLs
for your affiliates, based on your domain name:
With this script, your ClickBank affiliates would use a link
that looks like this:
Once you have your affiliate program set up, you'll
need some promotion tools to offer your affiliates.
Here are some ideas:
=> free eBook - this could be as little as 5 or 10
pages explaining the benefits of your product or
service. Make sure it contains some valuable tips
and include links to your website that your affiliates
can customize with their own affiliate link.
=> your own articles - if you write free articles,
encourage your affiliates to use them in their
newsletter and on the website, with their affiliate
link in the resource box.
=> ezine ads - offer your affiliates 30-word ads they
can place in newsletters (preferably ads you have
tested and found to be effective)
=> email course - if you have an email mini-course,
allow your affiliates to offer it from their website,
with their affiliate links
=> popups - give your affiliates a template popup for
their website, with instructions on how to install it
=> affiliate kit - put all your affiliate tools into
an eBook that your affiliates can download
That's it! All the information you need to set up your own
affiliate program.
Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3
years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this
simple technique to build a successful online business. Click
here to find out more:
WEBMASTERS - Earn Money With Affiliate Links
If you have a website with some traffic, you can make money by having links to merchants' online shops on your site.If someone goes through your links into the shop of the merchant, and buys something, you earn commission from the sale, between 5% and 40% depending on type of merchant.
Hey, Stop Stealing My Affiliate Commissions!
Don't get offended, I was not speaking directly to you. I was speaking to the horrible companies who are stealing not only my affiliate commissions, but yours too!These companies are called "spyware.
Making Money with Affiliate Programs - Part II
In this holiday season online shopping is hotter than ever!
According to US Commerce Department online sales continue to
grow with a robust 25-27 percent this year over 1992. Online
holiday shopping at a rate of 10 percent is also considerably
outpacing the 5.
Affiliate Programs and Picking the Best One!
Okay, so you have been looking at affiliate programs for a while now. Your inbox is filling up with all these advertisements and you just don't know how to pick the right program.
Are You Making These Costly Affiliate Mistakes?
There are many ways to generate sales, but there are also ways to ensure your affiliate marketing will fail. However, many marketers make these mistakes without realizing they are actually running away sales!To help you with your affiliate marketing programs, we have collected some of the most common mistakes made by web based internet affiliate program marketers so that you can avoid making these.
How to Join Affiliate Programs - Affiliate Marketing
The first thing you may be wondering before you join an affiliate program is how much is it going to cost you? Well most of them are free to join! Affiliate marketing can be a great way to earn a little bit of extra cash on the side and some people actually make a full-time living from it. And you have some guru's in the affiliate marketing industry that will earn more then the average person in one year compared to their 20 years.
Finding the Perfect Affiliate Program
Finding a good affiliate program can be sometimes daunting and overwhelming task, but it doesn't have to be. Luckily the web is filled with excellent resources for identifying the best affiliate programs.
The 5 Sure-Fire Ways of Building Massive Traffic and Making Thousands in Affiliate Sales
Why are those top affiliates able to easily make so much money just by recommending and selling other people's products?What did they do to be so different from the rest of the 96% of the affiliates out there who are making little or no money at all?The key to making those huge affiliate sales really lies on what you portray to your visitors and what you can give to your visitors.But before that, let's deal with getting lots of targeted traffic to your website so that you could build a huge mailing list to mine your income from.
5 Strategies to Boost Your Affiliate Sales
Are you promoting affiliate products?This article will show you 5 strategies to boost your Affiliate Sales, so make sure you read it and put in practice what I'm about to reveal you.The KEY to affiliate marketing is to take action!1.
Never Get Burnt by a Cycler Program Again!
A cycler or doubler that offers nothing of real value is likely a scam and for the most part is illegal. Check out what you are buying, and look at the cylcling or doubling as a bonus or rebate.
Free Keyword Research Tools Are Not As Effective as Wordtracker
One of the most unanswered questions online today is, how to perform keyword research that gets free traffic from the search engines. Many SEO experts recommends using one keyword or keyword phrase per page, while others recommends using secondary keywords with your main keyword.
Affiliate Marketing - Make Big Bucks Through Your Internet Home Business
Affiliate marketing has become a booming industry thanks to the increasing popularity of the internet. Marketing is defined as the getting and keeping of customers.
Five Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Sales
Most home business owners are involved with affiliate marketing. As an affiliate marketer, a combination of techniques can be used to promote your affiliate website and/or link.
Free traffic vs. Extra Revenue - Earning From PPC Search Engines
What are the Search Engines?A Search Engine is special database-driven web site designed to index and categorize internet addresses. Search Engines focus to help people to find information stored on the Web.
Two Quick Ways to Make Your Copy of Merchants Data Feed Different From All Other Affiliates
Product data feeds are really popular among affiliates because they can help produce thousands of product pages quickly and easily. Such pages can be used to drive highly targeted search engine traffic looking specifically for those products.
How to Build a Huge Opt-In List as an Affiliate
One of the biggest mistakes I see affiliates making everyday is that their building a short-term business where they just make a small sale - one sale at a time. If they stop running ads today, their business would shut down! The strategy we're going to discuss now will allow any affiliate to build a long-term business.
Affiliate Marketing - Join in on the Success of the 2nd Wave
What do I mean by '2nd Wave'? Let me explain:Can you remember the good old days when affiliate programs
first came into existence in the mid to late 1990's?
Everybody jumped in with two feet and put up dozens of
affiliate links on their site with no real thought to what
they were doing. We then wondered why we didn't make any
money - not any real money that is.
Affiliate Marketing Secrets that You Can Use
Affiliate marketing is a very hot topic on the web right now. Not surprising when you consider the fact that a vast majority of successful online entrepreneurs make their money from affiliate schemes and programs.
Who Says Affiliates Cant Use Joint Ventures To Make Money?
This is a technique I teach almost every day. Yet almost no affiliate marketers are currently using it!The trick is so interesting that you'll learn how to actually make money off of your competitors.
Back-End Selling
If you ask me, residual (also known as passive income) is the most important type of income of all incomes. Residual income puts money in my pocket without work and effort on my part.