5 Magical Steps For Creating A Profitably Potent Affiliate Program!
There are a few reasons why your affiliate program isn't bringing in the traffic and profits you've always hoped for. And below, I've outlined 5 quick ways to change that so you can get more traffic and profits using the power of "super" affiliates.
1) Make Sure Your Sales Letter Converts -- Nothing puts a damper on an affiliate program quicker than having affiliates sending you tons of traffic but not giving them anything in return.
If your sales letter really works hard to turn prospects into customers, then you're going to make your affiliates (and yourself) very happy.
So, spend some time getting your sales letter converting well. Study how to write better copy, or hire a professional to write you a hard-selling letter.
2) Offer Affiliate Tools -- This is so important. Most affiliates will promote your program if you give them the tools to do it.
Hire someone to design some strong banners. Create a weekly "affiliate tips" newsletter to share new ideas. Create sales letters and graphics affiliates can use that will work to get the word out on your product fast.
3) Start An Affiliate Contest -- And give away prizes for top sellers and those most improved. Or, make an offer that an affiliate making 10 sales through their link gets your product free. It doesn't cost much to run a contest of this type, and the return is great.
4) Define Your Perks And Tell Potential Affiliates Why They Should Promote Your Program -- If your sales letter converts visitors like crazy, tell them. If you split profits down the middle and share 50% of each sale with the referring affiliate, let them know.
Tell them about contests you run and tools you offer to make it easy. Put your offer into focus for potential affiliates. If you have a high-priced product, you could say something like, "This sales letter converts 1 out of every 50 visits. And with the product going for $297, and you getting half of that for each sale, 100 visitors sent from your site can put an easy $297 in your pocket."
5) Get The Word Out -- Place a link on your sales page that sends those clicking to a full-page sales letter detailing all the benefits of offering your product to their visitors.
Promote your affiliate program instead of the product. There are hundreds of ezines in existence that cater to those promoting affiliate programs. Take out an ad and tell them why they want to be an affiliate for you.
Check out keywords online that target your audience and get in touch with the webmasters. Tell them about your programs benefits and give them the opportunity to sign up.
Affiliate programs, once in place, can bring you automatic, low cost traffic for years to come. Take the time to set yours up right, and reap the rewards for years to come.
About The Author
FREE: One Copywriting Critique of your sales letter detailing how you can improve conversion and increase profits (a $95 value). Visit Grady's website for your free critique and more copywriting resources to improve your selling abilities. Click: http://www.cheap-copy.com
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