Super Affiliate Strategies Part 2
If you are an affiliate that is trying to promote an affiliate program, then I don't need to tell you it's not a walk in the park, unless you know what to do. With that in mind, this is one of the main reasons I decided to write a sequel article called Super Affiliate Strategies Part 2. In this article, we are going to talk about a few ways that you can effectively promote your affiliate program.
Writing articles is another great way to promote your affiliate program and it won't cost you a cent. All you have to do is write articles that are associated with the affiliate program you are promoting. At the end of each article, will be the best time to promote your affiliate program. Make sure that the affiliate program you are promoting is relevant to the article, you'd be suprised at how many people get this wrong.
Just to give you an idea, I previously wrote an article that was entitled "The Wrong Email Format Can Destroy Your Offer". In this particular article I discussed the advantages and disadvantages of text and html email formats. At the end of the article I presented an autoresponder that is capable of performing both formats.
Custom Error Pages
If you are not using custom error pages to help lost visitors, then you should. Believe it or not up to 10% of your visitors are going to see an error page and by having custom error pages that will help your lost visitor navigate to a destination of your choice. Up to 80% of visitors that receive an error page will leave your web site completely, a custom error page is great way to keep your visitor on your web site, by pointing the way for them.
Having a custom error page is the perfect opportunity to present to your lost visitor an itemized list of your affiliate programs that you are promoting. Instead of having them leave your web site all together, just point them in the direction, but towards the affiliate program you are promoting. Having a custom error page is an effective and powerful way to make the best of your ugly error pages!
Even though this is an effective strategy, you don't want to confuse your lost visitor with too many options. If you do have too many options on your custom error page, this strategy may backfire on you. So, I recommend that you limit the amount affiliate programs on your custom error page.
Automated Messages
If you are currently using any type of automated message, then you would consider promoting your affiliate program with them. Promoting your affiliate program in your automated messages is a great way to make additional affiliate sales and it works well too. When I say an automated message, I mean any type of automated message, whether it is an invoice, newsletter confirmation, faq, etc.
The trick is to promote an affiliate program that is associated with the message. For instance, if you have a newsletter about web marketing tips and you send your new subscribers an automated confirmation message. Then you would want to promote a product that was related to the theme of your newsletter, in this case, it would be web marketing.
The same can be done with an invoice automated message, in fact, it works very effectively. Why? Because they have already bought something from you and they are still in the mood to buy. By feeding on your buyer's impulse, you can literally watch your affiliate sales skyrocket. You need to make sure that the affiliate program you are promoting is associated with your invoice message, or this strategy will not work effectively.
About The Author
Rich Hamilton, Jr is the CEO/President of and the Author of Inside Internet Marketing. His book will show you how to laser in on your targeted market with unconventional marketing strategies to promote your web site without ever having to pay a cent in advertising.
Working With Affiliate Programs
Everywhere you look you see affiliate program offers forevery product or service that you can think of. Some havefully automated systems that sell high volumes of hardproducts all over the world.
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"What's the Buzz About?""I made $5,000 in one week""I quit my job and spend more time with my kids"It sounds too good to be true, but if you're serious about working from home and you don't have a lot of money to start than keep reading?"What IS an Affiliate?"Basically, an Affiliate is an individual that is willing to market and promote another company in exchange for a commission.An affiliate is NOT an employee of the company.
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Easy profit, a worldwide market, manageability of business at home level-all these and a variety of other reasons contributed to the popularity of online businesses. In fact, a lot of businessmen who used to peddle their stuffs in a local area are now getting online.
How to Succeed With Any Affiliate Program
In the early days before the internet was born, starting a business was like taking a giant leap into the unknown. Aside from the involved time and money, it also causes lots of worry.
Discover The Affiliate Program thats Right for You
Are you looking for a profitable Affiliate Program?When you start to examine the possibilies for your homebased business, it is easy to be overwhelmed with the sheer number of "opportunities" available. A search for "Affiliate Programs" in
Yahoo alone, will yield over nine million matches!As with anything worthwhile in life, starting a homebased business using affiliate programs, should not be done without doing some homework.
Affiliate Alternative; Google Adsense
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Guaranteed Signups - Scams or FastTrack Growth?
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Are Affiliates Getting Fired?
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Affiliate Programs... A Not THAT Easy Start To Your Own Online Business
"Where is all the help I'm supposed to get. I have been buying ezine and classified ad builders and signing up for Echecks and Virtual credit cards.
10 Sizzling Tips For Affiliates
1. Create an infopacked mini site.
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One Little-Known Secret to Wealth the Gurus Never Told You About!
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How to Choose an Affiliate Winner
The idea of using affiliate programs is to produce extra income and in the process attain total financial freedom. More and more people from all over the world are looking for a real winner.
Make Sure Affiliate Programs Pay for every Sale
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How to Join Affiliate Programs - Affiliate Marketing
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Instant Success - Yeh Right.
Join our affiliate-program and make your fortune overnight.Sound familiar ?How many times have you received email to say that
by joining company X you will have instant success.
Pros and Cons of Third Party Online Affiliate Networks
Online affiliate marketing has taken the internet by storm and has proven to be a highly effective way of maximizing website revenue. Why limit yourself to selling your own products when you can profit by selling somebody else's too?There are thousands of individual affiliate programs offered on the internet, many being through third party affiliate program networks such as OffersQuest, Commission Junction and Linkshare.