Why Many Affiliates Fail
The title is ugly, but the statistics don't lie. Only 1% of people that attempt to make worthwhile money from affiliate programs actually succeed. Let's examine some of the big reasons many affiliates fail.
First, let's take a step back for a second and look at the theme and/or concept of your website. Are you really knowledgeable about the topic you've chosen? Are you extremely passionate about it? Perhaps there are thousands of web sites out there similar to yours and you thought that your site would be THE ONE to stand above the rest. Did you just choose the topic because you saw others doing it and it just seemed easy?
These are common mental blunders that affiliates have made since the inception of the affiliate program, and unfortunately they continue to do it over and over again.
Probably one of the biggest mistakes is that people believe the best way to make money from affiliate programs is to create a website with either a business/MLM or marketing theme. They figure they can just mimic the ideas and concept of an existing website and become just as successful.
Let me explain. There's absolutely nothing wrong with taking someone else's concept and trying to improve upon it in an attempt to achieve even greater success. Just make sure you use your own content and do not violate any copyright laws.
However, this only works if you have just as much interest and knowledge about the topic as the person you're pattering your site after.
Sure, there is a lot of money to be made in the Internet Marketing or Business arena, but you better have an idea or concept that will blow people out of the water and also have the drive to stick with it. Your concept better be so polished and unique that it would make marketing gurus like Allan Gardyne and Ken Evoy blush. More importantly, you have to have enough knowledge about the topic to remain focused and competitive.
You don't have to rumble with the big dogs to make the big dollars. The "big dogs" are people that have been in the industry for years, love what they do, and have already made tons of money doing it. There's no point in trying to beat them at their own game...especially when you haven't even learned the rules yourself.
I see so many "Internet Marketing Help" websites that supposedly teach people how to market and make money from their websites when the majority of these webmasters aren't making any money themselves. Trust me...I used to be one of them. :)
How many people have tried to mimic Allan Gardyne's outstanding website, AssociatePrograms.com only because they see the site is successful and they thought it would be easy to copy? Allan is such a master at his game that he makes you think it's easy.
The real secret to his success is not about it being easy or difficult. It's the fact that Allan loves what he does and he does it better than anyone in his own niche.
If you really have a passion about your topic, you could create an Allan website too. However, your Allan site doesn't necessarily have to be about affiliate programs or affiliate marketing. Maybe it would be about fishing, cars, or sports....something that you really have an interest in.
When your site is based on a topic you thoroughly enjoy and know a lot about, you'll be driven to update it frequently, be creative, and before you know it your site will evolve into something greater than you may have ever imagined.
Instead of being a copy-cat, become a copyright. Discover your passion, develop a web site about it, and join affiliate programs that compliment your passion. Your site does not have to fall into the business/MLM or marketing categories to earn revenue.
Don't get bogged down in the "how-will-I-make-money" mode. When you create a site on a concept you enjoy, your site will grow naturally, and in time, you'll discover different ways to monetize it. There are affiliate programs for almost any topic.
The best part is that it won't feel like you're working because you're having fun. You'll be motivated to develop, maintain and promote your site on a daily basis. Instead of trying to run with the "big dogs" soon you'll discover you've become the "big dog" of your own niche.
Lisa Irby is the owner of http://www.2createawebsite.com. Get the REAL FACTS about earning revenue from your website at http://www.2createawebsite.com/money.
Online Affiliate Programs - 6 Must Read Reasons to Join Them
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Selling Merchandise On Your Website
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Affiliate Programs
Are you having trouble creating new product offerings from scratch? Maybe you're not a natural writer or you're unsure of a topic? Or maybe you'd just like a shortcut to some reliable revenue?
Not to worry, help is here.
And even if you're not stuck creating your own intellectual property, the concept of promoting other people's products and earning coaching income is an idea whose time is fast on its way.
Five Things to Look For to Join Any Affiliate Program!
Here's a really simple way..
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Cant Find Any ClickBank Super Affiliates? Grow Your Own!
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Always have a strong headline.
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Marketing A Single Affiliate Program is the First Key to Success
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I have before!! Hook, Line, and Sinker!!!Well the First KEY to really making an affiliate program work for you is just by sticking with the one program you've signed up for until you make a profit. It gets quite easy to keep signing up for program after program in hopes that you will finally hit pay-dirt.
Watch Out For Traffic Leaks
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Common Decency......Lets Keep it Alive!
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Affiliate Marketing is a Brilliant Way to Begin On-line Marketing
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Understanding The Three Basic Types of Affiliate Programs
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13 Killer Ways To Increase Your Affiliate Commissions
1. Start a private web site.
Affiliate Income Optimization
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