The Prosperous Affiliate Merry-Go-Round
In the affiliate world, just as in the rest of the world,
what goes around comes around.
Here's where I'm coming from . . .
I just finished reading one article too many where the
author proclaims that people don't like to click on what
appears to be an affiliate link.
Why not? Well, here is how the reasoning of the potential
buyer supposedly goes:
? I'll bet the price is jacked up.
? Maybe the guarantee won't be honored.
? What if they don't give me all the bonuses?
? Why should some middleman make a buck off me?
So this guy takes his paranoia and stinginess and trudges
off to find the original link. End of story.
Do you see anything wrong with this?
I see everything wrong with it. Or at least now I do, once
I stopped to ponder why I was doing the same thing!
I believe this situation is on the verge of changing and very
quickly. Here's why?
For one thing, as more and more people are earning money by
promoting other people's products, affiliate marketing is
becoming more widely regarded as a legitimate business form.
This is in large measure thanks to Rosalind Gardner, creator
of the Super Affiliate Handbook.
(Notice how proudly I displayed my affiliate link?)
Now, as increasing numbers of people engage in this type of
promotion, it is rapidly becoming common knowledge that if
you buy from an affiliate, you are in actuality buying
directly from the owner or creator of the product. Hence,
the following holds true:
? The price to you, the potential buyer, is the same,
regardless of how you got there.
? The guarantee, which is being issued from the product
owner, is still valid.
? You are set up to receive all bonuses, advertised and
unadvertised, that the owner offers. (In fact, buying from
an affiliate might even net you some extra bonuses!)
And so now, that leaves only the final objection, "Why
should some middleman make a buck off me?"
On the Threshold of a New Paradigm
Living as we are, on the eve of a new level of expanded
consciousness, here are some notions that are quickly
gaining wider acceptance:
? We attract what we focus on.
? We create our own reality.
? We attract to ourselves the same kind of energy that we
send out.
This Law of Attraction is no longer regarded as some
paranormal fluke. Thought power is gaining acceptance as
true and verifiable by quantum physics and our own empirical
So what does that have to do with our potential buyer's
final objection?
Well, when I stopped to examine why I was guilty of
automatically avoiding using an affiliate link, I discovered
that there was no valid reason for doing so. I mean, being
that the bottom line to me is all the same, why should I
want to deny someone his or her fair commission?
I had to admit that such unwarranted stinginess could only
be due to an insidious belief in scarcity. I felt a little
ashamed of myself, but not one to flog myself, I immediately
changed my focus to how to alter my beliefs to something
more desirable.
And what I found is a win-win-win situation.
If a marketer brings a product to my attention or convinces
me of its value or presents it to me at the time I am
willing to buy it, this affiliate has clearly earned his or
her commission. And it's a pretty sweet deal all the way
? The owner is happy because he has just earned money
for a sale he would probably not have otherwise made.
? The affiliate is happy because his marketing efforts are
paying off.
? I get my product AND I put money into the pockets of
at least two people.
And that makes me happy, because sending money into
circulation sets me up for being on the receiving end. And
giving a figurative pat on the back to the affiliate marketer
raises my vibration to attract the same type of rewards in
my life. And you know what else? It just FEELS so much
better to do it this way.
I think people are unaware of the many ways that poisonous
thinking can still lurk menacingly in their brains, stuffed
away in odd little pockets of stingy behavior like this.
When you stop to consider that so many of us were raised
by parents or grandparents who lived through the Great
Depression, it's easy to understand how we may have
inherited more from our families than what meets the eye.
But I digress. Let's just all be part of a prosperity
movement that has no interest in denying anyone their fair
due. After all, there is plenty to go around for everybody.
Just like a carnival carousel, what goes around comes around.
May your affiliate coffers swell!
Rosella Aranda, marketer, editor and author, helps
entrepreneurs escape their limitations. For more on
how to harness the prodigious power of your mind,
For total expert guidance, visit the Affiliate Classroom
How to Choose a Reliable and Profitable Affiliate Program
There are literally thousands of affiliate programs on the Net. Here are eight important points that every affiliate webmaster should take into account when choosing a reliable and profitable affiliate program.
Secrets of Super Affiliates
Have you ever wondered why it is very difficult for you to make a headway in the affiliate marketing game? Why have you signed up for so many programs with so much expectations and yet you have never being able to make a dime out of them all while some people are screaming about them making over $5,000 in the same program you signed for?These people called "super affiliates" are just ordinary people like you but they do things differently from the rest of the crowd. They see the game from a different angle and they play it with a different strategy.
Affiliate Marketing - The Comparison Model
The value of an affiliate is nil in a customer's mind - ok, so you've shown them where they can get a few products related to that niche, but there needs to be some sense in their mind that you have offered a genuine reason for choosing those particular affiliate partners. Are the chosen partners simply making you the most handsome commission? How do you turn a lifeless "I make money off you" affiliate link into an appreciated "These are the only products you want" recommendation?Some marketers scatter freebies around their newsletters, such as valuable advice, hoping to build positive relationships with potential paying customers, then spring the partner links on them.
9 Steps to Success in Affiliate Marketing
1.Join an Affiliate Program: Join programs that interest you personally.
The Best Affiliate Programs Increase Your Website's Earnings Potential
Taking full advantage of your website's earning potential is as simple as making use of the best affiliate programs available on the Net. Business websites and personal websites can both use affiliate links to earn additional revenue and make the most of their webspace.
3 Tips To Succeed With Affiliate Programs
Dear friends, when it comes to promoting affiliate programs
we all follow a certain defined process. We first go to
Affiliate Marketing Or Market Your Own Products?
How should you organize your online business?Affiliate marketing seems to make sense, its easy and low cost
to start, and you can be up and running within a few days - but
the struggle is how to get traffic and make my offer different
than all the others?On the other hand, creating your own product is what you may
really want to do, if not for being so unsure about what topic
to write about and finding the time in your busy life to get
started?Let me share two important true facts with you about choosing
between affiliate marketing and producing/marketing your own products.Tip 1: 99% of Successful Online Entrepreneurs Do BothTip 2: Most Successful Online Entrepreneurs Lead With Their OwnProduct To Build Affiliate BusinessHere's why.
Secrets of Super Affiliate
Most affiliate program owners say 80% of their affiliate sales come from 20% of affiliates. Here is the difference between top 20% affiliates and the rest.
Why a Newbie Online Marketer Should Start As an Affiliate
Navigating the intricate often tangled network of the worldwide web is an onerous task for the hardiest soul. Like a spiders web the www is a very complex and often a confusing maze.
Make Money Online With Affiliate Programs
If you have wanted to find a way to make money from home without all the hassle of selling products out of your own home yourself, perhaps you should take a look at affiliate programs.Affiliate programs are an excellent way to make money from home.
Affiliate Programs : Golden Opportunity or Waste of Time?
Now that the idea of doing business over the internet has been firmly established, many potential internet businessmen are searching for the best way to do business. Usually the choice comes down to whether you want to set up your own business and online store, or sign up for an affiliate program.
Affiliate Program Mastery: Learn How To Build Internet Capital Goods for Free
As I mention in almost all of my articles, 97% of Internet marketers never make a cent online. I mention this simple fact because it has a lot of power--it has the power to completely discourage people who are not succeeding, and it also has the power to encourage those same people who are failing to learn, so that they can succeed.
Become An Affiliate Champion: 10 Tips
Affiliates programs are one of the easiest ways to make money in the internet. Small fortunes have been made for smart people who have taken advantage of this powerful marketing technique.
22 Questions to Ask Before You Use Any Shopping Cart System
Many seasoned professional speakers agree that you can make more money selling your knowledge in the form of products than you can speaking.You can use traditional methods to sell products such as direct mail, catalogs and advertising.
Why Two-Tier Affiliate Programs are Best
When you join an affiliate program or start an affiliate program of your own, you have to decide whether it will be a single tier or two-tier affiliate program.With a single tier program you earn a commission on any sales you make and that is it.
Want to Increase Your Affiliate Commissions?
Do you participate in chat rooms and message boards related to the product you're reselling? You should be! This is one way to Increase your affiliate income and make more money. When you participate in chat rooms and message boards, start a conversation with a person without trying to sell to them.
Learning Internet Marketing the Hard Way
Ok, so after reading many articles on internet marketing I decided to take
the plunge and started my own website, and decided that url should be something that by itself would bring the shoppers to the website in droves.The url chosen was www.
6 BIG Benefits To Selling Big Ticket Items As An Affiliate
Today, we'll cover another set of benefits to selling Big Ticket items. BUT? this time we'll
specifically focus on the benefits of selling Big Ticket items as an AFFILIATE.
Looking For An Affiliate Internet Marketing Tip?
Here's a few affiliate Internet marketing tips that can help you earn extra
money for little effort on your part. Do you currently have a web site that sells products? If you do, developing an affiliate program may be the opportunity you are looking for.
7 Ways To Increase Your Affiliate Commissions
Suppose you could launch an online business in the next ten
minutes? Suppose that this business did not require your
own website, dealing with customers, refunds, product
development or maintenance? This is the ideal world of
affiliate marketing.Made popular on the internet by Amazon.