Affiliate Product Reviews - An Ultimate Selling Tactic
If you truly want to generate sales, one great way to do so is to create separate web pages for each of your affiliate products and include reviews of each product. Pictures, of course, speak a thousand words, and a picture of each product is very important to closing the sale.
Why does this process work so well? It's simple; people want to see and know all about a product before the pull out their credit card! Here are some points to be sure to include in your affiliate product review pages:
* Always have an uncluttered web page with blocks of text that are easy to read and understand. If you crowd a great deal of information, few people will read all of it. It has been scientifically proven that most people read only about one-third of the information contained in any sales page or review. So, make your web page product review easy to scan and grab specific points from without reading every single word.
* Use highlights to call out specific important points. Again, this goes back to the fact that few people will read all the words. If a specific area is highlighted in yellow or another bright color, their eyes will be drawn to that specific region and that may be all that they read. If you can convince the reader with you highlighted section that they simply MUST know all about this product, then they will probably read more. If you do not grab their attention with compelling information, they will probably continue to another web page.
* Specific benefits to the reader must be described in very few words. Tell the reader exactly what the product will do for them and call them to action!
* Please graphic help attract a person to spend a moment looking at your page. A boring page, in terms of graphics, will probably not hold the reader's attention long enough to even get them to read the highlights, much less the sales information.
* Focus on compelling, eye-catching headlines for each page. If your review begins with a bang, then people will read more of the text. A headline such as "How Product XYZ Saved My Life - And Can Save Yours, Too" will generate more readers than a headline such as "Product XYZ Works Great".
* Never produce web page affiliate product reviews that are totally essay-style. Remember; make the page so that the reader who simply scans will pick up enough information to compel them to read more.
* Make the reader have to take an action to get more information. The more a person becomes involved with a product review page, the more likely they will follow all the way through to the payment process and complete the sale. A short poll, a signup for a free report, anything that makes the person provide input can get them involved enough to follow through. Think about Publisher's Clearing House; they always make you participate to fill out an entry form. Use the same concept but apply it to your affiliate product review pages.
* Keep the page short! 500-600 words are enough to convey almost any concept you wish to send. No one wants to read on and on and on without gaining truly new information. Shorter is often better than longer. The European style seems to be, of late, a long, long web page, but many Americans just won't stand for scrolling down over and over to get to the prize!
* Be sure you are providing good information that the product you are promoting will actually provide. There is no need to tell "fish tales" to make a sale. A good product, where only the facts are provided in the review, will sell itself!
These few points can make your affiliate product review pages stand out among the crowd. And there is a crowd, so you have to work hard to really stand out. It is worth the time and effort in sales you will generate!
This article was authored by Jason Gazaway. This 22 year old, 'regular' college kid was able to quit his 7-4 "job" because of his affiliate marketing business. He now wants to help others and show you how he did it!
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Affiliate Programs
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