How To Increase Your Affiliate Commissions!
So you've joined an affiliate program, but really haven't figured out where you
should start? Here are 12 great tips to get you started on your feet and enjoying the
new year.
Here are 12 Awesome Ways To increase Your Affiliate Commissions!
Participate in web discussion boards and online forums. When I first joined
an affiliate program, I read as much information as possible in the discussion
This is a great discussion board to lurk in and understand the affiliate program and
how things work.Once you get enough confidence to post your own comments, try a forum more
like a Home Business Forum. This forum lets you include a link to your web site and
any personal signature you choose, but is monitored. I included my web site link
under my comment so that other could click on the link if they chose. Best part was
that the search engine spiders took notice too.
Advertise your link in your signature file with every email you write.Use an
attention-grabbing headline for them to visit your affiliate site. Also make sure your
signature file doesn't get too big.
Your link should look something like this:
Jennifer Schilling
email address here
Why build JUST a Web site,
When You COULD Build a Business?
Your link should look like this
By redirecting your affiliate number and making your address be
part of your web site, you will not loose out on any affiliate commissions.Create unique affiliate program ads and your own banners if possible. If
every other affiliate is using the same ad you are using, many web visitors may leave
your web site quicker than you think. Give yourself an edge over your competition,
by making an ad that makes your website stand out from the others. Use a personal testimonial ad. You should only use this if you've actually
bought the product or service. Tell people what kind of results and benefits you've
received using the product. This can be VERY powerful.Trade links with other webmasters who are promoting the same types of
products you are promoting. You want to attract the same type of people that would
be interested in buying the product you're reselling.Some advantages might include more traffic for you and the other
Once your website gets ranked by Google,
you will find more and more webmasters requesting link exchanges to your website..Create a newsletter or an electronic magazine (e-zine) advertising your
website. Use your newsletter to advertise the affiliate programs you've joined. Or
offer a free e-book in your newsletter with the advertisement and links of your
affiliate web site. The free e-book should draw your target audience to down-load it
instantly. You can also submit your newsletter to directories and start a traffic virus
getting people to visit your website. Offer free online services, utilities or useful website links from your web
site. They could be search engine submissions, language translations, web site tune
ups. Make sure that the service or utility that you are offering them is something
you would personally use and is of an interest to your website. There, make sure to
add as many of your affiliate links as possible so that people can see them and click
on them. Start your own affiliate program directory. If you have joined more than
one affiliate program, list them all in a directory format on your web site. Advertise
your free affiliate program directory to others so that they will want to be part of
your directory as well. Write articles and submit them to websites that do accept them is another
great way to drive more traffic and increase your affiliate commissions. The MOST
important thing to do is to add a "resource box" in the bottom of every article that
you write. This has been used and proven to work by all top marketing gurus online.THIS is BY FAR the most effective way to increase your backlinks!
Make sure you practice good follow up skills and get back to all of your
affiliates within 24 hours or sooner. If you are available to them, they will want to
stick around. You will be able to answer questions just like you do with your own
affiliate mentors.
Copyright 2004 Jennifer Schilling
Jennifer Schilling is the Editor of 3 websites and Publisher of Home Business
Tips newsletter. Come get your free e-book when you join at
What Puts The Super In Super Affiliate?
To be super at anything means to excel beyond the scope of average or achieve superiority status.Super affiliates do just that.
How to make money with Affiliate Programs - The Sensible Way
Every day, thousands of would-be marketers scour the internet looking for any and every affiliate program, sign up, sit back and wait for the money to pour in and get
frustrated just as fast when the bank balance still shows a big, fat ZERO!There are tons of guru's floating around and even more eBooks and articles claiming to know the latest and greatest trick to make tons of money with no effort at all
(oh and of course, unless you use their method then you will never, ever get anywhere in your online business and stay broke the rest of your life).
We've all seen these before.
How to Choose a Reliable and Profitable Affiliate Program
There are literally thousands of affiliate programs on the Net. Here are eight important points that every affiliate webmaster should take into account when choosing a reliable and profitable affiliate program.
Is Earning Money With Affiliate Marketing A Myth?
Day 1 - What Are Affiliate Programs?Welcome to the wide world of affiliate marketing!Affiliate marketing (sometimes called referral marketing) is based business people.So, what is an affiliate and what does he or she do?The affiliate marketer acts as a "middle man" between merchant and consumer, but without adding anything to the consumer's cost.
Affiliate Surprise
I can't believe it! I open up my mail today, and what do I receive? A statement from one of my affiliates saying that I've earned a pretty good amount of money for the last quarter. Wow! How'd that happen? Since my web site is only a couple of months old, I couldn't believe that I'd already earned that much from this affiliate.
How to Join Affiliate Programs - Affiliate Marketing
The first thing you may be wondering before you join an affiliate program is how much is it going to cost you? Well most of them are free to join! Affiliate marketing can be a great way to earn a little bit of extra cash on the side and some people actually make a full-time living from it. And you have some guru's in the affiliate marketing industry that will earn more then the average person in one year compared to their 20 years.
8 Ways To Increase Your Affiliate Commission
Here are 8 easy ways to boost your affiliate income:1) Collect your visitor email addresses by providing free reports.Offer a free report to your visitor.
Affiliate Marketing--Huh?
In my search for a presence on the internet, I searched many avenues, but
was finding more scams and dead ends than I would care to speak about.It was one last scam and six months of my presence on the internet that
I realized that the only way I could possibly make a living on the internet --
and gain any amount of satisfaction --was to work for myself.
Whats LinkShare, And Do I Need To Use It?
Online affiliate marketing is one of the most effective, cheapest and fastest ways to promote merchandise. With millions of people getting access to the Internet everyday, there's a great chance for a merchant to introduce his products and services to a wider market, thereby, maximizing his revenue.
Affiliate Programs... Whos Really Making The Money?
There will be a million and one affiliates out there who will tell you that the affiliate program they promote is going to be the best one for you.But have you considered who is really making the money and who gains the most out of affiliate programs.
One Little-Known Secret to Wealth the Gurus Never Told You About!
When I started my internet marketing career, I knew that in order to succeed online I had to duplicate what my mentors were doing.I had read several popular ebooks at that time, written by marketing gurus, and each of them explained how to research niche markets in order to find out what products to create or sell.
How To Create Your Own Successful And Profitable Affiliate Program
Most of the truly successful marketers have three competitive advantages :They run successful Affiliate Programs (Part 1)They own large Opt-In Lists and have large traffic (Part 2)They create their own products (Part 3)Step #1 - Three Affiliate Program OpportunitiesOpportunity 1 - Using Own Products and ServicesCombining your own products with a successful Affiliate Program is almost a license to write your own checks.Opportunity 2 - Using Resell and Master Rights ProductsSurprisingly, as you will see in step 4, you can create and run an Affiliate Program even if you don't have your own products and services.
Set Up Winning Web Page To Be Powerful Selling Tool - 5 Ways to Help Affiliate Problems
The Internet is powerful selling tool. Never before has been easier to start a business, be able to reach out to literally millions of potential customers and make your business succeed.
Why You Dont Succeed As An Affiliate ?
Affiliate Program have exploded on the internet. Thousand of people join them every day.
How To Profit From 2 Tier Affiliate Programs And Build A Sub-Affiliate Army In The Next 24 Hours
Before I get into depth with this article I first want you to have a good understanding of what a '2 Tier' affiliate program is and there advantages. Then from there I'll go on to explain how you can start recruiting Sub-Affiliate's by simply locating the Super-Affiliate's within your Niche market.
A Wake Up Call To Always Remember
I received two emails this weekend. Both were as a result of autoresponder follow ups these people were receiving from my business.
Instant Success - Yeh Right.
Join our affiliate-program and make your fortune overnight.Sound familiar ?How many times have you received email to say that
by joining company X you will have instant success.
Affiliate Product Landing Pages - Three Tactics That Sell
As competition within the online affiliate sales arena rises to a fierce boil, affiliate sellers expecting any degree of success must first find effective methods to set themselves apart from the crowd.An uninitiated affiliate may expect to make sales simply by
placing a referral link on his website, or by distributing the link in an email.
Affiliate Programs: Why They Work and Why They Don't!
Here it is in Black and White:Don't make the same mistakes many new
marketers do. Don't give up!I've heard tons of discouraging stories about
affiliate programs.
Promoting Affiliate Programs through Personal Recommendations
Publishing articles online is a highly effective way to increase affiliate revenue. In the current marketing environment, it is increasingly important to differentiate yourself.