Affiliate Marketing--Huh?
In my search for a presence on the internet, I searched many avenues, but
was finding more scams and dead ends than I would care to speak about.
It was one last scam and six months of my presence on the internet that
I realized that the only way I could possibly make a living on the internet --
and gain any amount of satisfaction --was to work for myself.
Duh! But how? Affiliate Marketing seemed to be the answer.
What is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is the promotion of another person's or company's product, in
which you get a percentage of the profit if a sale is made. That doesn't sound
so hard, does it? Well -- it's doeable if you have the information you need to
get you started in this field -- and it is work. So let me begin the enlightenment.
First and foremost, you need passion?
What is Passion?
Passion is a feeling that you have -- a feeling that is so strong that it is
your driving force in doing it.
As you can see, passion is needed in any venture if you want to
succeed. With passion, it will drive you forward through the hard times,
the bad times, and the good times when developing your business.
This passion thing, I must admit, was my first stumbling block. I believed I
didn't have a passion for anything -- and feared that maybe, just maybe,
the corporate world and it 70 hour work weeks may have consumed my passion.
However, I was not willing to give up. Not yet. I searched out sites, read articles,
examined web sites -- in search of my passion. Then one day, in the
middle of my research, I heard myself asking probing questions of -- Why?
Where? When? How? My passion was found.
Research, curiosity and learning -- my strengths and my driving assets.
My creation -- "My Affiliate Place", was born. It would be a place where an
affiliate marketer or a want-to-be affiliate marketer could find information,
articles, and free tools.
So, I say to you, if I can find my hidden passion, you can too.
Onward and upward --with my passion defined, I needed a web site.
Web site! Do I need one?
Many people say you can do affiliate marketing without a web site --
however, with a web site you can promote more than one product and reach
a greater number of people with the same interests. And last but not
least, marketing is the act of connecting with people -- and on the internet --
a web site is your vehicle.
Web Site Is Built. Now What!
Now that your web site is built, you will need to begin the promotion process.
There are many avenues in which you can venture. To name a few:
1. safelists
2. ezines
3. classified ads
4. writing articles
5. Off-line advertising -- brochures, flyers
6. Search engine optimization -- To get help in this area, go to
my web site at: -- to begin your optimization process.
As you can see, advertising is only limited by your own imagination.
To conclude, affiliate marketing is a viable way to begin your journey on the
internet and to your own business. But as you know, with anything that is
worth having, you must work diligently and passionately, and continue
to grow and learn -- if success is to be yours.
To your success.
Vickie J Scanlon has a BBA degree in Administrative Management and
Marketing. She left the corporate world as an Reports Programmer,
to begin her journey as an Internet marketer.
Visit her site at: for free tools, articles, ebooks, and how to info.
A Successful Satellite TV Affiliate Website
Satellite TV has exploded on the scene during the last decade, providing expanded channel offerings and new technologies that were not previously available from regular television. When the "mini-dishes" were developed and the satellites put in place by Dish Network and Direct TV, satellite TV became available to almost everyone.
Dont Even Think About Affiliate Marketing Until Youve Read This - Part 1
You've probably heard some of the affiliate success stories from across the internet. You've also probably heard of the diverse benefits of affiliate marketing.
Free traffic vs. Extra Revenue - Earning From PPC Search Engines
What are the Search Engines?A Search Engine is special database-driven web site designed to index and categorize internet addresses. Search Engines focus to help people to find information stored on the Web.
The Key To High-Volume Web Sales
The quickest way to achieve high-volume sales
on the web is to set up your own affiliate program.There are two ways to set up an affiliate program: you
can install affiliate tracking software on your server
or you can use a 3rd party affiliate tracker.
Who Says Affiliates Cant Use Joint Ventures To Make Money?
This is a technique I teach almost every day. Yet almost no affiliate marketers are currently using it!The trick is so interesting that you'll learn how to actually make money off of your competitors.
JV and Grow Rich
To illustrate the concept of arranging simple joint ventures that can lead to exciting new business opportunites, I am including a short story and correspondence that led me down a grand path to a very successful deal that involves one of the most successful personal and financial achievement books ever written, not to mention partnering with a living legend.To start things off, in early July of 2002 I read "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill for the first time in my 36 years of existance on this spinning orb of madness.
Your Own Affiliate Program
What better avenue to drive high quality and targeted traffic to your website than through your very own affiliate opportunity!Plus, you have dozens and dozens of other marketers promoting YOUR wares at no startup cost to you, and on top of your own promotional efforts.Another positive is that it is a win-win situation.
Free Affiliate Marketing Page Pays $755 in Commissions From its First 100 Visitors
Affiliate marketing is an easy way to get started making money online. You just sign up to be an affiliate, and refer new customers to the sales site(s) with a special, coded affiliate link.
How To Create A Lifetime Income With Affiliate Programs By Changing Your Focus!
"How To Create A Lifetime Income With Affiliate Programs By Changing Your Focus!"
An often overlooked strategy that could maximize your affiliate earnings
by Mark Meyers Most people join an affiliate program so that they will make some money by referring people to the products and services of the affiliate company.
This is, in fact, a great way to earn a really nice income.
How To Evaluate An Affiliate Program
Ok so you think you have found a good affiliate program to promote on your website or in your newsletter? There are some basic things you need to look out for before joining any affiliate program. Some of them may seem minor but those little petty things can cause you to lose hundreds of dollars in affiliate revenue.
3 Powerful Words
I should have listened to an internet veteran back in 2000.Learn from my mistake.
Affiliate Marketing is a Brilliant Way to Begin On-line Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is a brilliant way to begin earning on the Internet, for those of us who haven't as yet got our own products.
To make money in life, in business, you need to market something, a book, a car, a computer, yourself or whatever.
3 Ways to Squeeze Even More Revenue Out of Your Traffic Equaliser Pages
Ever wondered if, apart from Google Adsense, there were other ways of generating real revenues from Traffic Equaliser pages.There has been some great results using the above two programs, running Google Adsense results on page as a fast way to driverevenues on a huge number of boiler plate pages.
Secrets of Super Affiliate
Most affiliate program owners say 80% of their affiliate sales come from 20% of affiliates. Here is the difference between top 20% affiliates and the rest.
Affiliate Programs
Are you having trouble creating new product offerings from scratch? Maybe you're not a natural writer or you're unsure of a topic? Or maybe you'd just like a shortcut to some reliable revenue?
Not to worry, help is here.
And even if you're not stuck creating your own intellectual property, the concept of promoting other people's products and earning coaching income is an idea whose time is fast on its way.
Not An Affiliate? Why Ever Not?
If the idea of pursuing a living on the net has repeatedly crossed your mind but you still haven't found a way to implement it, then affiliate programs are going to break the ice for you.Affiliate programs are a lot like learning how to swim in a pool before you go to the open sea.
Make 100% Commission on Your Affiliate Sales!
If you've been involved in making money on the internet, you will no doubt have tried affiliate marketing at some point. For the uninitiated, affiliate marketing is the process of selling another person's product for a percentage of the product cost.
Affiliate Programs : Golden Opportunity or Waste of Time?
Now that the idea of doing business over the internet has been firmly established, many potential internet businessmen are searching for the best way to do business. Usually the choice comes down to whether you want to set up your own business and online store, or sign up for an affiliate program.
Successful Free Affiliate Programs
Affiliate programs are the latest money making tools available on the Internet. While there is definitely not a lack of options available,
there is a lack of good options available.
Affiliate Program As It Should Be
Every off- or online business has a target of growing its market share. Under all other equal conditions the percent of the market, occupied by a company, means certain level of recognition, brand, exposure and, therefore, sales and income.