7 Powerful Tactics To Promote Any Affiliate Program Instantly
Affiliate marketing is truly one of the most powerful and
easiest models online to generate massive cash quickly, fact
is you can get started in minutes from now without the hassle
of creating your own products or websites.
While there're many factors to consider in the affiliate
marketing business, one of the most critical questions I get
every time from newer marketers is always...
"Ewen, How Do I Promote My Affiliate Link?"
Here then are 7 powerful tactics you can use today to promote
any affiliate program with:
==> Tactic #1: Your Own Opt-In List
If you've your own existing opt-in list this would obviously
be the quickest way to start. However I'd like to provide you
with some ideas to maximize the response and results you
wouldn't otherwise get if you never applied them.
It's always a good tactic to provide some kind of time-sensitive
bonuses to entice your list to buy through your affiliate link.
It has always work and it'll continue to work.
You should also do at least 3 follow-up mailings as statistics
have proven that you will get the most sales from your 2nd and
3rd mailings.
Now what if you don't have your own list to begin with?
The most logical action would be to seriously consider building
your own money-making list without delay. A complete course to
build and profit from your own opt-in list is at
Alternatively a 'second-rate' method is to use...
==> Tactic #2: Other People's Lists
What do I mean by this? One quick method to leverage on someone
else's list is through ezine advertising, particularly with solo
As in all kinds of advertising, what you want to do besides
advertising the affiliate program is also to build your own
list. A simple way to do this while promoting the affiliate
program is by using a catchy one-two sentence signature file
after your name.
The best advertising you can get is to pre-qualified targeted
lists of like-minded people, especially people with money in
hand. While these are rare and even harder to identify, an
amazing resource can be found here
==> Tactic #3: Google AdWords
You can start promoting any affiliate program in less than 15
minutes with pay-per-click advertising, especially Goolge
Since Jan 6th 2005, there had been some changes to Google's
policies regarding advertising of affiliate products on Google
Without going into boring details, you can still advertise
affiliate programs by using landing pages customized to the
affiliate program you're promoting.
As I've provided in detail exactly how you can use Google
AdWords in "Striking Affiliate Gold", I won't repeat it again.
You can download a copy of the manual at
==> Tactic #4: Article Marketing
This is one tactic you got to get started on because it works.
I've made tons of affiliate sales purely from articles. In fact,
one of my articles generated over 25 affiliate sales in a little
over 3 days on autopilot.
The key to successful article writing is to provide real
information and tips.
Make sure it doesn't sound like an outright sales pitch. Any
recommendations you make should be added value to the article.
The recommendation should not be its main purpose.
Again I won't be repeating information I've already covered.
If you're interested in using articles as an affiliate
promotional weapon, download these two revealing reports I've
==> Tactic #5: Leverage On Your Existing Web Pages
There're 3 main ways to go about doing this...
One is to simply promote your affiliate programs on highly
trafficked and relevant pages of your website. Check your
website statistics to see which pages visitors view the most.
These are great target areas for your promotions, especially
if they are relevant to the affiliate product in question.
Two, recommend affiliate products on your thank you pages.
After a visitor has made a purchase from you or sign up for
your ezine, all you've to do is add in a short recommendation
of an affiliate product prominently on the thank you page.
Third, use your custom error (404) pages as affiliate marketing
tools. This is the page that shows up when visitors enter a
wrong URL or extension, there's no point in wasting this space
so why not use it to promote an affiliate product?
==> Tactic #6: Capture Exit Traffic On Demand
You can quickly make extra affiliate sales just by using an
exit window or pop up window to promote your affiliate programs.
While there're popup killers out there, you'll be surprised just
how many percent of people actually install them - I don't.
Fact is, pop ups, especially exit pop ups still produce good
results. Stick with one tasteful pop-up targeted to your
visitors and you'll see great results.
==> Tactic #7: Other Quick And Simple Tips
Recommend affiliate products in your 'thank you emails'.
This is a no-brainer, whether you're saying thanks for joining
your ezine or for buying a product, always give your email
recipients an affiliate recommendation for a targeted product
you've personally found useful.
You can also create autoresponder courses on topics related
to the affiliate program you're promoting as a form of follow-up
That's it for now and I hope this article has been useful.
If you're interested, you can read the FULL article at
Go and profit from your affiliate programs with confidence!
Ewen Chia is an expert at creating cash
windfalls online and has been called
"The Super Affiliates' Super Affiliate" for
his extraordinary expertise as an affiliate
marketer. You can discover his secrets at
Capitalizing On The Autosurfing Craze
You've heard about it in recent months, and its popularity seem to grow in leaps and bounds with each passing day.Paid to surf programs have been on the rise and with the monetary promises that have become the stalwart of their systems, more and more people are joining the bandwagon.
Affiliate Programs
Are you having trouble creating new product offerings from scratch? Maybe you're not a natural writer or you're unsure of a topic? Or maybe you'd just like a shortcut to some reliable revenue?
Not to worry, help is here.
And even if you're not stuck creating your own intellectual property, the concept of promoting other people's products and earning coaching income is an idea whose time is fast on its way.
Become A Reseller
If done properly, reselling web hosting and related services can be a low maintenance, high profit vehicle to online financial independence!Reseller programs allow businesses to lease servers, connectors and bandwidth from established hosting firms but brand the product at their own. Resellers act independent of hosting companies and are not construed as employees.
Reselling - Money On The Side
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If you are like most work from home internet business owners you want your web site to be making you as much money as possible. The choice of affiliate programs that you choose to promote on your web site will determine how much money you actually make, and the options to you are endless.
Earn Top Dollar With Your Affiliate Monthly Income Stream
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Affiliate Product Reviews - An Ultimate Selling Tactic
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7 Powerful Tactics To Promote Any Affiliate Program Instantly
Affiliate marketing is truly one of the most powerful and
easiest models online to generate massive cash quickly, fact
is you can get started in minutes from now without the hassle
of creating your own products or websites.While there're many factors to consider in the affiliate
marketing business, one of the most critical questions I get
every time from newer marketers is always.
Mining For Gold With The Best Affiliate Programs And Hitting Pay Dirt
Colin McDougall tinkered around with affiliate programs earning a few dollars, nothing much to write home about, even had his own e-commerce site, known as the man's mall. In theory that site was supposed to offer all sorts of gadgets for guys.
How To Create Your Own Successful And Profitable Affiliate Program
Most of the truly successful marketers have three competitive advantages :They run successful Affiliate Programs (Part 1)They own large Opt-In Lists and have large traffic (Part 2)They create their own products (Part 3)Step #1 - Three Affiliate Program OpportunitiesOpportunity 1 - Using Own Products and ServicesCombining your own products with a successful Affiliate Program is almost a license to write your own checks.Opportunity 2 - Using Resell and Master Rights ProductsSurprisingly, as you will see in step 4, you can create and run an Affiliate Program even if you don't have your own products and services.
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Affiliate Marketing Terminology
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How to Run A Successful Affiliate Program
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Heres Why Affiliate Marketing Is So Lucrative
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Affiliate Marketing Opportunity
Every Affiliate Marketing Opportunity At Your FingertipsMaking the decision to start up a web-based business is one of the best ways to take your financial future into your own hands. The dream of starting your own business is finally coming true and when you learn to take full advantage of your website by making use of every affiliate marketing opportunity available, your dreams will come within reach.