
Tips For Marketing Your Affiliate Business

Not all Home Business Entrepreneurs are experienced enough to produce their own product, so most of us 'would-be-entrepreneurs' become affiliates, marketing someone else's products and opportunities. That is nothing to be ashamed of. Lots of people make a really great living doing it, and so can you.

Being a Work at Home Business Entrepreneur is not as easy as it first appears. Don't get me wrong, it is not that difficult either. As the saying goes "anything is easy if you know how". The BIG secret is learning "how to market" on the Internet.

Internet Marketing is a little different to marketing offline. You sell your online products and opportunities from an electronic store called a website. When you open a store in a Mall or in a busy town you can rely on walk-in trade who see your goods through the shop window and want to buy. With a website store, the concept is a little different. You have to take your store or its products and place it where the people are likely to be - traffic exchanges, safelists, search engines, electronic magazines etc.

Selling your affiliate products should begin even before the customer clicks on your affiliate link or the banner on your web site. Don't only rely on placing a banner on your web site with the hope that someone will click on. It may work a few times but it is not the best way to produce good results. The best results are achieved when the customer is already sold on your product before he clicks on your affiliate link. Write a good ad copy that does not obviously seem like you are selling your product. Entice the customer to click on your link with words that would make you want to buy the product, or join the opportunity yourself.

Use the products you plan to promote yourself so you can market them enthusiastically and do not be afraid to use testimonials from enthusiastic customers. They work wonders!

Concentrate your efforts on choosing a few good affiliate programs and marketing them effectively. Choose a program with products or services that interest you. Do not be lured into signing up for numerous affiliate programs in the hope that one of them will make money. Choose wisely and try not to get involved in selling things you know nothing about. Don't try to sell heavy duty equipment if you know what HGV stands for. Go with your passion, your enthusiasm will grab your client by the nose and lead him/her to your affiliate link.

When you have chosen your affiliate company, build a site to market the products and programs you've chosen. Choose a name that is relevant to your affiliate program and the products you plan to sell. If your site is built to sell craft items then selling car parts on it is not a good idea. It would be far better to include a short course on how to make craft items. Keep your site relevant!

Read everything you can about your products and research them thoroughly so you can answer all the questions you get asked either by the people signing up under you or your customers. Look around for other items to sell or give away that will enhance the products or services you sell. If your main focus is affiliate marketing you could include products and free gifts and e-books that will help with marketing the products you sell.

Create a catchy signature to use each time you send out your mail, you never know whose interest it might stimulate. Don't forget to include your affiliate links in all your outgoing mail. Market, market and market your products some more. Think about what your target audience is looking for and keep it in mind always.

Janice Sharman currently runs The Sure Profits Center. Get ALL the Home Business Internet Marketing Information and Resources You'll Ever Need to Profit on the Internet! Subscribe to her 'Secrets To Sure Profits' Newsletter at



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